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My Approach

Whether you have rescued a new dog, adopted a puppy, have had a dog for years and seeing new issues or behavior that has been around for a long time, it is never too late to set the right expectations for your dog. Your dog should be a polite member of the family that behaves well in all the events of their life. Dogs do not come pre-programmed to know what the rules are. As humans, we need to communicate with our dogs, the way they understand, and make sure we are setting the tone, providing the leadership and controlling the events that take place each day.  I will teach you how to communicate with your dog, provide you insight into dog psychology and give you tools on how to interact differently to optimize your relationship.


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The Structure

The Structure is aimed for dogs with minor behavioral issues where some foundational structure is needed to set the right expectations. We begin with the behavior in the house first which will translate into other areas of behavior. This program includes 3 sessions, each 1.5 hours, designed to set you up to interact with your dog on a different level.  The 3 sessions can be separated into different sessions or combined into one larger session.


An E-collar is a great tool for communicating with your dog at a distance without needing a leash.  In this program, you will receive hands-on training on the workings of the e-collar and learn how and when to apply the pressure (stimulation) to communicate effectively with your dog.  There will be homework in between sessions to aid in learning for both you and your dog.  The program covers the work done in The Pillars with the addition of the e-collar. There are a minimum of 7 sessions needed for the e-collar program and dogs with more severe behavioral issues will require more sessions.

The Pillars

The Pillars is designed to cover all the events in a dog's life from feeding time to the walk.  We start with the behavior in the house to teach and establish what is expected. Then we move into the individual events and teach the wanted behavior from the beginning, middle and end. This program starts with 7 sessions, each session being 1.5 hours. Sessions will be in the home and some sessions can be outside of the home to cover behavior in public.  For dogs with more severe temperament or behavioral challenges, additional sessions will be needed.

Follow-ups / Virtual

Follow-ups:  Additional sessions can be scheduled to continue to pattern and practice.  These sessions can also be used for additional social events at either restaurants, cafes, stores, etc.

Virtual:  Not in northern Illinois? No problem! Virtual sessions are available. Training will be covered through zoom sessions.

Rate:  $100 per hour, plus mileage to & from and any materials, if needed

First they have structure and rules, then they enjoy more freedom!

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